Saturday, December 15, 2007

Once heard it here first...

Rich Rodriguez will NOT be accepting the coaching position at Michigan. On top of that, Rich wasn't even lying yesterday. The only thing puzzling is why his financial advisor can't afford to take a 5 hour drive to Morgantown instead of making what I'm sure is his only high profile client hop a plane with his wife, causing all of this sexy stir.

So what the fuck happened? Well, I'm glad you asked...

Earlier this week after the Michigan fiasco, alums, former players, and major boosters felt snubbed and screwed by Martin asking them for money to buy out Miles contract and telling them that Miles WAS to be the head coach...w/o having even interviewing him.
Then, the Schiano fallout came...once again b/c Michigan went the "right route" and got grilled by message board pundits and media for doing it the right way. A group of very influential boosters put together somewhat of a petition of sorts to get rid of Martin...or that they were pulling funds based on this coaching search. To do damage control, the appointed seven man search committee got together with people high up in the booster program and a list was put together of coaches that would be deemed "acceptable" to bring in in the wake of this fiasco. Rich Rod was one of those names. This is considered a "damage control" hire. Michigan sent out feelers to Rod's people and there was a mutual interest...a mild one. Rod makes only 1.8 per year, and Michigan has been badgered by alums to up the ante on that price. They can't go back and offer more to Miles or Schiano, but they can offer more to the next guy. Also, a reason Schiano wasn't privy was not only the paycut, but the assistant coach retention that Michigan was demanding...similar to what Nebraska asked of Grobe. Michigan has to pay the entire staff another season if they get fired or if they coach. Being cheap, that prospect isn't that sexy.
They are said to be open to talking about this "assistant retention" with Rodriguez. Martin needs to save face, and basically he was given a list of people who would do just that. I am still a little surprised by this. That's the scoop though. Rich is on a VERY slim list of acceptable names as of earlier this week. If something happens, it will happen very soon. Otherwise, don't worry.

To break it down for those with attention spans as short as Jamie Lee Curtis' dick...Rich found out UM was interested. He's had a lil tiff with the AD and a few others in the WVU department over the last few years and with UM sniffing around, he figured he'd spray his scent of interest. Bill Martin and Sue Coleman never met with him. It was purely him, his wife, and his advisor going over things like marketing in Michigan, the pay scale for Michigan, what they might offer, and if it was a fiscally responsible decision to make the change and piss off an entire state of toothless lovables. Rich decided today that it wasn't worth it and Michigan backed off. Bill Martin NEVER contacted Rich. Members of the "seven man search committee" sniffed around and it reeked of some interest, so they took a shot and told him to think about doing an official interview. Rest easy WVU fans, and go brush that tooth.


Anonymous said...

but Herbstreit said that they had talked???

Anonymous said...

You lost ALL credibility when you said that UM wanted him to kee the Asst. coaches because they were cheap and didnt want to pay them if they werent employed.
COME ON.......... they will pay a 4mil. dollar buyout but not less than a million in asst. coaches.
Holds no water.

teddydupay4 said...

Martin has publicly stated that in any buyout, he's willing to negoiate a way to pay it sessions...not all at once. Not unsimilar to the way Beilien paid 1.5 mil to a WVU foundation as part of his buyout.

This isn't uncommon amongst programs. Many programs with assistants locked up longer than head coaches try to get the incoming coach to keep some of the assistants still under contract. The kicker is NOT 1 or 2 guys, it's that Carr got extensions for ALL of his coaches last season, another indication that he was leaving. That adds up. Michigan wants the incoming coach to keep English, especially if the coach is an older guy. How would you like to become the caretaker of a business and be told who you could have and who you couldn't...especially with a set of employees under you currently that you don't want to sell out.

Look, I'm UM fan #1-10. But they're being cheap on this. And it stinks of shit.